Think Ink - The Clock Reaction - Gifteee Unique & Unusual gifts, Cool gift ideas

Think Ink - The Clock Reaction

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Details: A brand new chemistry for the classic iodine clock reaction Two clear liquids are mixed together and the audience is told to watch closely... "Don't take your eyes off the liquid or you'll miss it!" Then, in a flash, the clear water changes to ink (or so they think!). Think Ink! illustrates the amazing chemistry behind the classic clock reaction where molecules meet up and change over time to create this startling reaction. Unlike the classic iodine clock reaction from your high school chemistry class, our new Think Ink! formula uses a kitchen chemistry approach to achieve even better results. And yes... this is the same reaction that Steve Spangler shares in his live performances and recently featured on the Ellen DeGeneres Show.


  • Curriculum support for classrooms & science education

Brand: Steve Spangler Science

Publisher: Steve Spangler Science

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