The Squad of Lucky Landing: An Unofficial Novel of Fortnite (Trapped In Battle Royale) - Gifteee Unique & Unusual gifts, Cool gift ideas

The Squad of Lucky Landing: An Unofficial Novel of Fortnite (Trapped In Battle Royale)

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Author: Devin Hunter

ISBN: 1510743464

Number Of Pages: 112

Publisher: Sky Pony Press

Release Date: 2018-10-30

Details: Grey never expected his best friend, Finn, to end up trapped in Battle Royale as well, but now they both have to fight to get out. And there are only a few more weeks to do it.

If Ben and Tristan hadn’t left Grey’s squad, he would have been a lot closer to the top five. But with the help of his new squad members, Grey is determined to climb back to the top.

It won’t be easy when Grey’s old squad mates use his own tactics against him. He must use his creativity to find new ways to lead his squad back to the top twenty.

EAN: 9781510743465