"Definitions: Languages supported:
South Africa (African continent) *
Amharic (Switzerland) *
Armenian, Armenian (Armenia)
the Hungarian Empire
Bangladesh, Bengali
Bulgarians Bulgarian
Chinese (Cantonese)
Mandarin (Chinese)
Czech Republic
English: English
Philippines (Filipinos) Philippines
Finland Finland
Language: Language
Georgian * Georgian
German: German
Greek Greece
Hebrew: Hebrew
Hindi: Hindi
Island (Iceland) Island
In Indonesia
The French edition
Javanese (Austria)
Cambodia (Khmer)
South Korea
Lao * The Netherlands
Hungary (Latvia)
* Latvian *
Malay Malaysia
Malayalam, India. Malayalam
Marathi, India. Marathi
Nepal (Nepal) Nepal
Persian (Iran) * Persian
Polish: Polish
Russia Russia
Serbia (Serbia) Serbia
Chevron (Austria)
French: French
Macedonian (Austria)
Swahili, Kenya Swahili
Tamil The
Telugu, India. Telugu, India.
Thai Thai Thai
Pork Pork
State (State) Ukraine
Urdu (India / Pakistan) *
South Africa, Zulu * Zulu
< /ol > * Does not support output voicefunctionality:
Towards the best possible Internet coverage, the built in 2-year global data coverage, the NO SIM card needed for the Nano card. Keep you online and linked anytime. 4 other network connectivity methods, including the WiFi, mobile hotspot, any eSIM card and any Nano SIM card, are available.
Offline translation between English-Chinese, Japanese-Chinese, Korean-Chinese, and Russian-Chinese for off-line translation between English-Chinese or Russian-Chinese. Of-Free translation of all two out of the 60 supported languages covering over 200 languages (please see Product Picture or Product Description for the full list of supported languages).
ãSuperior accuracy & Professional vocabulary coverageã4-mic far field microphone array with smart noise reduction enables high accuracy voice recognition. Contextual smart translation engine supports accurate voice recognition and translation among conversations. The first end-to-end translation engine with polysemy recognition and translation capability. Professional vocabulary coverage in healthcare, IT, finance, legal, sports, and energy.
ãBig Screen, Instant response & Lighting fastã3.5 inch Hi-resolution touch display, less than 0.5s instant response empowered by smart AI translation engine. Fast processing speed powered by an 8-core Cortex processor. Lightning internet connection enabled by a global Content Delivery Network (CDN).
ã30-day money back guarantee & FREE LIFETIME SUPPORTãIf you are not completely satisfied, receive a full refund within 30 days of receipt. No questions asked! All Jarvisen Products include a One-Year Manufacturer Warranty and free lifetime technical support from our Customer Support Team located in San Francisco, California - Available M-F 8AM-5PM PST - Contact information available on the Jarvisen Official Website.
Brands, DataPubliker: Gray/2 Year: JarvisenUPC: 854422008775EAN: 85432110875 Box dimensions: 7.1 x 4.0 x 2,3 inches