Unique Gifts with Hidden Compartments & Secret Stash to Hide your Stuff
Moving about with your money kept in an inconspicuous place saves you a lot from pocket picking and bag snatching consequences, imagine if you keep your last cash in your bag, and the bag was snatch, how would you make it out of where you’re without ridiculously asking for help? The Pringles stash can help save you from losing your money to a pocket picker or a bag snatcher; it can even help you keep your valuables safe from an unwelcome guest in your home.
The Pringles stash can come with real chips inside just like every other one, but it has also got a secret compartment at the bottom where you can keep your valuables, all you need to do is unscrew the bottom to reveal this compartment, you hide your valuables and then screw back. Your money would be intact as you left, and you can also carry it around. No one would snatch your pringles away from you, except you divulge your secret to anyone.
There are more secret and safe places you can hide your valuables in your home or office than you can ever imagine, how then do you know about all these places if not by learning about them. Since no citadel offers this has a unique course, and know private tutor would come and teach you this, your best bet is reading about it from a book.
This is why you’ve got to get a copy of the fantastic book titled 153 Extra Secret Places Where You Can Hide Your Valuables. This book gives you an insight into one hundred and fifty-three places you can never think to hide your money. It explains the nitty-gritty of these places, and why keeping your valuables, there is very safe and secured.
This is one mind-blowing diversion safe stashing mechanism, it is 100% fool-proof and except you let it out yourself know once can never know that the book lying in your shelf is not the real Alice in Wonderland novel.
This stashing kit comes with the Alice in Wonderland back cover, it has also got real soft papers on the exterior, but in it lies a lock where you can safely keep your things, this lock also comes with a key which makes it more safe and secured. This gives you a perfect camouflage for saving your valuables, while others see the beautiful Alice in Wonderland novel, you know it’s more than what they see.
Being unique is everything, doing things outside of norms is awesome. Why wrap a gift in a wrapper, while send through an anonymous person to create surprise? When you can be more creative and romantic.
The Da Vinci code mini crypt allows you to hide your gifts (be it earrings, necklaces, rings, rubies or any jewelry you’ve gotten for your partner) in a unique way. You put this gifts in a Da Vinci code mini crypt and lock it with the preferred code of your choice.
You can either give her hints of open the code crypt if you’ve used a memorable date like when you first met your first kiss and some other anniversaries once she gets it right, the code crypt opens, and she gets her gift which makes it very romantic and creative.
Traveling on a public bus exposes you to theft especially if it’s a night journey, that’s why you’ve got to have a safe place to hide your cash. Put your money in your purse is has unsafe has had it in a casual pocket on you because it can be easily found when you’re searched.
This is where the garter purse stay put silicon grip with two secured pockets usefulness comes into play. With this purse, you can carefully hide your money securely in it and hang it to the sides of your lingerie. Its silicon grip feature allows it stays firmly there without falling, and its two secured pocket ensured that your money doesn’t drop out of it.
Sometimes at our place of work, we do have some bosses that view the tips given to us for a job well done the same as their money. How then can you hide your suggestions away from your boss without him having the impression that you’re stealing his money? How can you save your money at home without the fear of anyone breaking your piggy bank?
This is where the Coffee mug safe helps you, the cup is just like every other coffee mug, but unlike every other coffee mug it has got a bottom that can be unscrewed, this bottom has ample space for stashing your cash and hiding some other valuables.
Hiding your valuables is of paramount importance, but concealing your valuables in a safe and secure place where no thief can think of is of greater importance.
Having the hidden wall outlet diversion safe at home helps you a great deal in making sure your valuables are well secured, the outlet diversion safe appears like every other outlet, but behind it lies a place where you can stash your cash and keep your jewelries. To any intruder all they see is an outlet, only you will know what it contains.
This helps you ensure that your valuables are secured. Except you tell anyone or an insider is involved in the burglary, no one would ever think of checking a wall outlet for cash.
Here is another way you can hide your cash without any intruder or thief suspecting. The need to have this camouflage stashing Rubik’s safe cannot be over-stressed; it is essential to make sure your valuables are in a safe and secure place whether at home or in office. This helps you prevent the scenario of losing what you think is adequately locked away in your closet or drawer.
The Padrone Rubiks safe is another stashing kit that gives you the much-needed camouflage to keep your cash safe. It has got a compartment in the middle where you can safely hide your money. No thief would want to sit down and start solving a Rubik's puzzle in your house or break in just to steal a Rubik's cube except he or she has full information about its content.
Having this patrol hanging closet safe is gives you a double benefit, apart from the already well know use and benefits of the Patrol vest, it can also help you hide your valuable inconspicuously, either you put in in your closet or you wear it with you, the vest has got you covered when it comes to securing your valuables.
It comes with a nine secure pocket which has been carefully and discreetly hidden around the base of this vest; no one will know that a regular patrol vest that has no pocket is equipped with that amount of pockets; this provides quite a good disguise to hide your money.
Working late at night might sometimes occur has a hair stylist, how then do you intend to safe the money you must have made in the day away with the banks closed? If your payment is always getting missing in your drawer at home, where do you think is the safest to hide it? Most of the times the most secure place to hide your things is where everyone can see, but none would notice.
With the hairbrush diversion safe, a hair stylist can simply stash her daily sales in the hairbrush that has a discreet removable lid. This lid covers an ample space where money can be easily kept. He or she can also move about with the hairbrush without risk of it being stolen (who would leave a purse and steal hairbrush?). You can also opt to keep your money in this hairbrush instead of your drawer; this hairbrush could be placed among your other make-over equipment on the table in front of your dressing mirror. No one would have a hunch of checking it; it’s a very sleek camouflage.
The cases and reports on theft, pocket picking, burglary and all sort of robbery of small magnitude are on the increase day by day; this is why it is quite essential to keep revolutionizing on the modes and ways of keeping your money safe and secure.
The Coca-Cola soda can diversion safe is one way to hide your money with a perfect camouflage, no thief would suspect that a can would have an underneath deep space where money could be stashed, you can load your money into as many cans and perfectly placed them in your fridge, absolutely no one would know.
Having a discreet place to hide your valuables helps you keep them safe. As a female, you’re sure to have that friend who ransacks your bags and closet to take anything she likes in your presence, without you been able to do anything to stop her. The best way to curb this is by putting any valuables or cash you can’t do without out of sight.
How then can you perfectly keep your money without your friend noticing? The portable lipstick diversion safe stash gives you the perfect camouflage you need; the lipstick has got a bottom space where you can keep your money or jewels safely. While others see just another ordinary lipstick, you know you’ve got valuables in it.
Today, judging by the recent occurrence of theft and various criminal activities, it is only wise for you to at least possess a legally acquired firearm which can help protect you from some of these dangers. While it is not logical enough to face a group of armed men with just a small gun. It can help protect you against theft and other criminal activities of less magnitude. It can even help you stall crimes of higher magnitude till the arrival of security operatives.
Having established the reason why you should possess a legally acquired firearm, the question is where is the most inconspicuous place to hide it. To keep it out of reach at home, or out of sight in the office? This is where the concealment wall clock comes into play.
The concealment wall clock has a chamber in it where you can safely hide your firearm, after which you can hang it on your wall. To others, all they see is a clock telling the time. To you, there's a life safer in there. Therefore, get one for yourself and make sure of your safety.
These days, we receive a lot of uninvited guest pretending to be friends but have malicious intents in our homes. What do you do if you somehow find out that those you just allowed in your house are abductors or even worst case assassins? How do you save yourself from their evil act?
Most of the times, these people act as natural as possible putting on a friendly font, this is the best shot you have got to save yourself from them once you’ve noticed something odd about them, do not take chances.
With the Bali Sterling Silver Locket Ring you’ve got the best chance of saving yourself from troubles, this ring has a secret compartment where you can either fill up with sedatives like (chloroform) or poison. This allows you to slip in some of the secretly filled substance into drinks or foods (as the case maybe) of those you perceive to be a threat to you.
In recent times, there has always been a report on cases of theft and burglary with victims claiming to have lost tons of valuables. No matter how meticulous you are in locking your apartment and shutting the windows before leaving home, some burglars are just too expert in picking locks and break in.
Hence, one must ensure that his or her valuables and confidential documents or materials are kept adequately if it is lying in the house. How then do you keep these things without your unwelcome guest noticing or finding it? Locking it up in your wardrobe isn’t the best option for you as that would be the first place to search.
This is where the usefulness of the hidden storage book box hider comes into play. It is a box in the form of book storage which allows you to hide your valuables either jewelry, documents or electronics with perfect camouflage. To others, all they see is a book rack, but you’d be the only one who knows what’s behind the frame. This makes it impressive and helps your valuables safe.
The need to have a fool-proof security feature in your homes and offices cannot be overemphasized. There has got be a safe place where you and your family can hide yourselves, or where you can hide your great valuables (documents, cash, jewelry anything of importance to you) away from danger.
The secret bookcase door is exactly what you need to help you with all these. Like an ordinary bookcase, it can house all your books but it has also got a secret door that can be opened and in it lies a large hiding place where you can hide yourself or valuables in times of danger.
This serves as perfect concealment because all your assailants see a huge bookcase with numerous book, but inside that huge bookcase, you’re there waiting for security operatives to come.
Carrying your valuables (money, jewelry, etc.) around in a conspicuous manner might attract unwanted attention which in all cases is what you try to avoid the most. At home, we also have some things that are very valuable; be it money, jewelry or other items. Keeping these things away from where it can be easily stolen has become necessary, but where the safest place to stash your cash and a thief won’t find it, how do you take a considerable amount of cash to the grocery store without being noticed?
Mayonnaise diversion safe stash helps you out with that in a pretty easy way, it has got the appearance of a regular mayonnaise container and even its smell but inside it lies a place where you can keep your money, jewelries and other things of high worth safely without anyone noticing. This is a perfect disguise; all people see is a jar of Mayonnaise, only you know that it’s a bank of valuables.
If you’re a lover of guns and have various collections, or whatever your reasons for possessing large weapon or guns (as the case may be) is, then you’ve got to hide them in a very inconspicuous place to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. While having a collection room might seem to be a good idea, have ever imagined someone breaking into your collection room behind you?
This is why you’ve got to keep your gun collections in plain sight where you can see it but others cannot. What can give you this feature if not the Gun carrier slider cabinet combination, this cabinet can be placed anywhere in your house for decoration purpose and keeping things on it, but it has also got a slider where you can inconspicuously hide in gun collections in without anyone noticing.
One of the most important things for traveling is a well-packed backpack, but what happens if all your valuable belongings get stolen from your bag in transit. What happens if something precious to you gets stolen from your backpack has you move through a busy area? This is why one needs a safe and secured backpack that can help keep his/her valuables intact.
The Anti-theft backpack is well secured and has a very safe protective feature which makes it impossible for anyone to open or have access to contents inside of the bag without the knowledge of its owner. The pack has its zipper in a hidden place where it is unreachable for anyone unless the owner takes it off.

Having a wallet that can contain your cards and other belongings without being obtrusive helps you prevent unnecessary attention, this helps in some way to keep our pocket out of the sight of thieves. Having a wallet with a secret compartment also gives the benefit of keeping your properties in an inconspicuous place; this makes it safe and secure.
These are the features you get using this wallet. It has also got a driver’s license holder which can accommodate up to 10 cars without being bogus. This helps you keep your properties away from prying eyes and also makes it very safe and secure.
Sometimes you’ve got the need to have some extra hidden cash on you, due to whatever the case may be. One of the best ways to do this is by keeping it in something that would be on you; one of the accessories you’d be wearing.
This is where this soft leather belt safe comes helpful, with an inside quality zipper, the belt has got a pocket inside of it where your money or any other thing you want to carry around inconspicuously can be kept, it provides you with a really great concealment feature and helps you keep your valuables more safe and secure.
Over the years, traveling women especially the locals is fond of having their money kept in their most private parts of the body, this has proven to be quite harmful to their skin and have a significant side effect. It is one thing to keep your money away from theft safely, but what of the aftermath or side effect of the method you used in doing this.
This is why you should get your wife or any female partner of yours this hidden wallet travel pouch for women; this pouch allows them have their money in the most private parts of their body but in a wallet. This helps prevent them from the hazards of having the money in direct contact with their skin.
Once in a while we fall victim of unfortunate events like locking our home key inside without having a spare, or a scenario whereby we have a visit family member, but we’d be at work by the time he or she comes, where then can we safely keep our keys without it falling into the wrong hands?
The fake rock has the perfect solution to this problem, this rock looks like a real rock, but it is not. It can be open, and things like keys and other items can be kept inside this rock. This serves a perfect camouflage to hide your spare key, and no one would ever notice except the one told.
Keeping a firearm in your home to protect yourself from danger hasn’t been a bad thing but not properly keeping these firearms and letting it fall into the wrong hands is the worst of all things.
This is the exact function of this concealment picture frame; it has got a chamber in its middle where a small firearm can easily fill, which makes hiding your firearm very inconspicuous. It has also got a finger-print feature which ensures that the person who puts the gun in this safe chamber, is the only one who can remove it from there. It also gives a nice camouflage has only you know what lies inside the beautiful picture frame everywhere one sees.
Your teddy lion can do more than what you think or what you use it for. It can be a jewel or money saver; by actually keeping your valuables jewel, money or any other thing in this stuffed teddy lion, your money becomes more safe and secure.
The teddy lion has got many opening which allows you stuff up your money, jewelry or other things inside it with great ease; since the padding inside is not that much, it provides you with more space to hide your things. This teddy lion also comes with a t-shirt that helps add more beauty to it, and of course, it also helps screen some openings from prying eyes.
For more secret ideas check out www.secretstashing.com