Porn for Women

Porn for Women

Get ready to enter a world of unbelievable fantasy. Where shirts get folded, yummy dinners awaits you, and rudeness is just not that funny.

This cool little book “Porn for Women” can be an amazing unique Valentine’s Day Gift Idea for your wife or girlfriend, or even for your husband or boy friend, for educational reasons, and there is not better time to learn how men should behave like Valentine's Day.

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Give the better half what they really aspire for, amazing PG photos of stud men listening, folding, cooking, stopping the car to ask for directions, accompanied by unreal captions: “I admire a clean home!” or “While i’m alive and kicking, you’ll never take out the garbage.” Well… this is porn that will leave women wanting for more!


This book was written by the Cambridge Women’s Pornography Cooperative who asked women, young, old, rich, and poor, What really, really gets you excited?” Ready with their newly gathered data, they worked long hours to create the book “Porn for Women”. 

Photographs by Susan Anderson. She is a Los Angeles based photographer who believes that: “the future of porn shouldn’t be in the hands of men alone.”

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